Wednesday, February 19, 2014


     The Sun has moved into the sign Pisces. Welcome to my birth month. Let me show you around. Here you will find pools of empathy, sensitivity to everyone around you. A foggy mist of compassion merges you with the world, and sometimes you lose yourself in all of it. And then the mist clears and there is a lucid sense of oneness, of seamless connection, of an understanding beyond any content, just a vivid knowing that you "get it". 
     In Pisces waters there is a luminosity, and a sense that most of what's happening is unseen, subtle, beneath the surface. Everything is glowing with an inner light. And healing occurs in this light, and deep acceptance. You can almost see the presence of something spiritual, something beyond all this, yet within each and every concrete thing. You can see who you are, and what you are always a part of. If you are very quiet, and humble, and relaxed, you can sense something that could be called God, if only there were words for it.

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