Tuesday, February 18, 2014



     A message from the astrological sky now: remember that you can't push the river. Your life flows and evolves as you work out what is stuck or blocked within your consciousness, and between you and the people in your life. As you learn and experience what works for you and what no longer works, you grow and change and make progress. This can take a lot of time, often much longer than you expected. Some of what you're working on has taken your whole life thus far. Your life is like a project that you are the manager of, and sometimes there are performance reviews that let you know how you're doing, and suggest possible changes in your approach, or your attitude. Now is one of those times.    
     In the astrological sky, some of the planets are slowing down.
One of them is Mars, the symbol of desire, motivation and assertive action. Mars takes two years to go around your chart, a two year cycle of action. Every cycle, Mars turns retrograde and spends 6 months in one sign, this time it's in Libra, sign of collaboration and negotiation. The other planet is Saturn, who teaches about practical reality, limitations, boundaries, and taking responsibility for purposeful functioning. Saturn has an almost 30 year cycle, and each year has a 4 month retrograde time, slowing down to make sure you are learning the lessons you need to learn, solving the problems, making the choices, to evolve and grow.
     You need patience to work day by day with what shows up, as you move slowly and uncertainly onward, evolving toward fulfillment by dealing with the reality of your life. Give yourself the gift of patience. Your life unfolds in time. So take your time.

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