Thursday, February 20, 2014



     In astrology, "water signs" are about emotions. A lot of planets are in water signs right now.  Sun, Neptune and Chiron are in Pisces, Moon and Saturn are in Scorpio, and Jupiter is in Cancer. Water signs know life through feeling, and emotional awareness.

    So this is a time of emotional healing  -for me, for you, for all of us, if we are willing to be vulnerable and be in touch with our feelings. You can allow more awareness of your lifetime of accumulated emotional situations and patterns. The disappointments that have shaped your behavior. The losses, the fear, the anticipation of pain. Your defenses against
uncomfortable or terrifying feelings. 

     Healing is also finding a new balance between the feelings you prefer: joy, confidence, serenity, -and the feelings you avoid. Opening to the whole range of natural human emotion. Releasing the held-in stored-up emotional stories you think of as who you are. Our identity is often organized around the stories of what happened to us, the drama of our life.

   In a sense, all emotions are variations of love. Disappointments of love, rejections of love, abuses and invasions of love. So the heart of emotional healing is for you to get in touch with your deepest love, and to love your pain as well as your pleasure, to bring love into your anger, your sadness, your fear, your wounds. And to love those you blame or are afraid of. You can forgive everyone, and yourself. It's not easy, it's uncomfortable, but it sure feels good when you allow all the conflict and strife to transform into peaceful loving acceptance of what is really happening now.

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