Friday, February 21, 2014


     There has always been a consciousness that is the sum total of everyone on earth. Like the air surrounding our planet, the collective mind is what we all tap into when our personal mind is quiet. In that oneness, compassion blossoms. And in this new age of internet, Facebook and twitter, that global mind is amplified. A quantum leap in awareness has occurred.
     As the astrological Sun is conjunct Neptune in Pisces this week, the connection between Self and BeyondSelf is enhanced even more. How do you move in your own life, when you are hyper-aware of the minds and feelings and actions of the whole planet? How do you not get overwhelmed or seriously bummed out by every tragedy and conflict reported on the news or the internet?
     Most important, how do you choose to make a meaningful, constructive contribution to the global reality? Global consciousness is a constant interdependent flow connecting each of us. This flow goes into you, and out from you, like your breathing. So it is good, and necessary, and empowering, to appreciate that your presence, your participation, your communication, and your love make all the difference in the world.

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