Saturday, February 22, 2014


     Many years ago I pondered deeply this question: what is my role in society, what is my function in my community, what is my purpose is my own life? Wanting to make sure I wasn't playing somebody else's role, I fought hard against slipping into a supporting role in somebody else's story, or trying to fit into cultural group roles. This sometimes agonized pondering required asking a deeper question, a time-honored inquiry: Who Am I? Trying to catch myself in the act of being me, I started to get a clearer sense of my real nature. And finally stepping further back to notice who it is that is asking the question, a more peaceful sense of presence was revealed.
     Each of you has a part to play in our collective life. Realizing the fullness of your unique nature, you bring yourself to this ensemble activity we call life. You show up, you contribute your talents and abilities and special qualities. You find your passion. You love deeply.You stand shoulder to shoulder with your community in winter and in summer. You do what you can to help. And like all of us, you look out at the stars at night, and you feel the whole earth, and you humbly wonder what is really going on here? 
     Whatever all this is, we are all in it together.

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