Sunday, February 23, 2014


      In astrology the Sun is Self, and Neptune is what is Beyond Self. These two are together in the sky now. This is the great mystery, the space where self ends and others begin. What is the relationship between inner and outer experience? There is great confusion is this space, muddling of boundaries, fear of losing yourself. Nobody wants to be overwhelmed by the immensity of the universe, compared to the insignificance of your little self. 
     And yet, when you calm down and let yourself sink into the flow of the universe beyond you, what do you see and feel? In meditation or yoga or qigong  or walking or skiing in nature, you sense the universe flowing in your body, and out beyond you. There is peace, and also there is inspiration and aliveness. There is a stirring, a vibration as you come into inner and outer harmony. 
     When you breathe, the in-breath is called inspiration. You breathe in the spirit of life. You are humbly inspired by the vast wonder of it all, the crazy mystery beyond the mind's ability to form words to explain. You let go and surrender, and are filled with a gentle passion to be of service, to give back all you have to help the healing of the world. You are inspired by the beauty and courage of your fellow creatures. You are inspired to love, and be loved, in full measure.
     And in your openness, helpfulness and courage, you inspire everyone who meets you. 

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