Monday, February 24, 2014


     Relax. Don't fight it. Surrender to the flow of your life. Let it blossom like a Spring flower popping up through the snow. The mind is always focusing on conflicts, on getting rid of something, and on acquiring what you don't have. Let go and let it be.
    Accept what is here, fully embrace what is is you and around you. Really get how simple and indescribably amazing it all is.
Open to the perfection and complexity of this flow that is way beyond anything you can control. 
     You want to do something. You want to make something happen. You want to change things. Can you create and express yourself and be open and accepting at the same time? The old '60's
saying was "go with the flow". I was there in the those years, and I went with the flow, unconscious of my own instincts and issues. It took many years to take responsibility for myself, and get back into a truly healthy flow, flowing with life as it really is, rather than the flow of my own ego instincts and drives.
     Now, with the Sun conjunct Neptune is Pisces, it's a time to discern the various flows in life, and know the difference between your ego flow, which wants its own way, and the larger flow of love, service, interdependence, and creative transformation. When you are in harmony with life, all of your actions, and all of You,
are in the right place. Like Lao Tsu, the ancient Chinese sage, walking by the river, you will know that "nature does not hurry, yet all things are accomplished".

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