Tuesday, February 25, 2014


     There are as many ways to be wounded as there are people. The variety and complexity of human suffering is almost infinite.
And there are almost as many methods for healing. There is psychotherapy, reiki, surgery, chiropractic, yoga, diet change, homeopathy, cranial sacral, thai massage, affirmations, and sudden miracles of faith. There is laying on of hands, healing touch, swedish massage, shiatsu. 
     I have found that there is essentially one kind of wound, and that is when something in you is out of alignment with the whole of you. When something in your body is where it shouldn't be.  Or when there is too much of something, or something is in the wrong place. When you lack, or believe you lack something you need to be whole.Emotional wounds are the sense that something is missing. Or that there is too much of a feeling that you don't like. 
     And essentially one principle is true in every form of healing. The essential principle is to reconnect to the whole, and release what is not connected. That can involve releasing negative thoughts, as well as toxic organic situations. I think healing is a three step process. Locate what is out of alignment, what is wrong, what is the problem. Take action or bring awareness to releasing or letting go of what is causing this blockage or misalignment. And then support the healthy flow when wholeness is restored. 
     We are on a healing journey, you and I, and have been since we were born. Constantly adjusting to challenges to our wholeness, losing ourselves in our suffering, and then finding ourselves again, renewed and transformed.

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