Thursday, January 23, 2014


      Where does the energy come from, when it's so freaking cold here in Minnesota. I woke up this morning feeling like my battery is drained, like a car left out overnight in 40 below windchills. 
I had to look deep into my body and my spirit for sources of energy to get out of bed and to look forward to a purposeful day. I felt a gentle stirring in my heart, and a sense that like holiday lights strung outside in winter, we all are channels of God's invisible light, and we glow and cheer each other. I turned and felt the warmth of my life partner next to me, and the energy of commitment and shared journey started to fill me. And then I thought about communicating with you who is reading this, and there was a surge of energy that took me to the hot shower, the coffee pot, and the computer desk to connect with you in this daily post. And if that's not enough energy I am awaiting a day-long visit from my 3 year old grandson, who is energy personified.
     What energizes you today? 

1 comment:

  1. Although I am in sunny Southern CA Jeff your beautiful words on finding energy in life and love outshone the sun itself. Beautiful! Thanks for getting yourself to that Mac to share with so many! Sending more warm your way. Love to you.
    Mark N
