Sunday, February 16, 2014


     Reach up toward the Sun, and the star constellation Aquarius out beyond it. Feel the energy of Mars in Libra flowing up your spine. Let Venus shine in your heart, radiating dignified Capricorn vibrations. Open the top of your head to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, and the infinite universe around you.
     You've heard of cobra or downward dog or warrior pose? How about Aries courage pose, Taurus steady pose, Gemini wide-eyed curiosity pose? Cancer nurturing pose, Leo radiant stretch, Virgo
helpful pose, Libra two-person cooperation pose, Scorpio intensity posture, Capricorn upstanding pose, Aquarius any pose you want, and finally Pisces prone relaxation meditation.
        Our solar system is the yoga mat that supports us as we stretch, twist, and open to the stars, and to the serene space between the stars. Listen deeply, hear the stars say "Namaste".

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