Saturday, February 15, 2014


     I had the good fortune to be invited to a profound celebration of full moon on valentine's day. Two guys who are dear friends of mine created a beautiful wedding ceremony. After many years of being married in every way, deeply committed, evolving together,
it became possible to actually have that union sanctioned by the state. And the fulfillment of their love made it natural that they go all the way. 
     Love fills every possibility, it floods into tough and awkward areas of our life. It provokes courage and commitment, as well as gentleness and compassion. Love can change our lives, and sometimes it can change our society, our laws, and our world. Love requires us to grow. The seeds of attraction and affection grow into a great garden. Some wild things grow in love's garden, some things and feelings that have no names. And something sacred and holy comes and lives in love's garden. Something more than you and me. 
     So here's a toast to my "just married" friends, and to all of you, and to me, and to something more.

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