Thursday, February 27, 2014


     Lots of action in the sky this week. The Sun meets up with the comet Chiron. And both Mars and Saturn turn retrograde. Like reading tea leaves settling in a cup, let me try to make sense of the meanings of these symbols.
     Chiron stands for the idea of the wounded healer. The idea that you teach what you have learned from your own healing journey. Chiron is about giftedness, specialness, and the ways you've suffered from being extra vulnerable. Chiron is your wound, and the healing of that wound becomes the gift you bring to the world. The Sun is your Self, your wholeness, and your presence. Chiron and Sun together in the sky now speaks of owning your vulnerability, allowing it to ripen into the great gift of your uniqueness, and sharing your special experience more fully with the people in your life. You are weird and unusual, and it's okay. In fact, it's really good. You can be done with worrying that something is wrong with you.
    Mars is about energy and action, Saturn is about responsibility and purpose, together they are symbols of how you get things done. Mars is motivation and intentions, Saturn is how you organize and structure those intentions. These two are the project managers of your life. They both turn retrograde March 1. Retrograde is a scary sounding concept, that to me simply means that energy makes a shift from pushing forward and outward, to become more thoughtful and contemplative. Actions and choices go into a time of making adjustments, refinements, revisions. The focus shifts from outer results to inner awareness. The action seems to slow down, to find a smoother rhythm. Life is saying "What's the hurry?". Good things take time.
     Put all of this together and the message is to accept your role as a wounded healer. And understand that your own healing, and your intended results as teacher/ healer of others, will unfold gradually, slowly, subtly, beautifully, as your adjust and refine, and continue to understand more deeply who you are and what you are doing.

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