Friday, February 28, 2014


       This week of big astrological shifts, of retrograde Mars and Saturn, of Mercury and Jupiter turning from retrograde, of the New Moon with Sun, Moon, Neptune and Chiron all in Pisces-- whew, this week is a great time to pause and reflect.    
   In the space between busy or fearful thoughts, pause and remember you are here and alive. After months or years of stress and striving and fixating on certain objectives, pause to reflect, to appreciate your progress, or to ponder why you are still trying to do something that doesn't work. In the moment between the feeling of anger, and acting on that feeling, pause. Before locking in to your judgement of someone's behavior, take a breath, and let compassion, empathy and understanding arise. In your frustration or disappointment in a relationship, let go for a moment and allow space for love to reveal itself. When you see yourself in the mirror in the morning, or feel the aches and pains of your body in this difficult winter, relax, and see how beautiful you are, and how grateful you are that you exist.
     To pause is to step back from immersion in the theater of your thinking, the disco dance of your feelings, the ruts and fixations of your most repetitive actions. Then, you can catch yourself in the act of actually living your life. You have the power to pause, and see, and breathe, and slow it down. 

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