Wednesday, February 12, 2014


     My grandson's birthday is today. He is three years old, an independent Aquarius in his high-energy glory. I am 70, a gentle Pisces slowly ripening in mystical wisdom. Though we are on both ends of the spectrum of time, we play together, reading books and building forts and solving puzzles and climbing playground structures. I cannot nearly keep up with his energy. And he does not know much about astrology or buddhist philosophy. We are both here, in this funky present, equals, having afternoon snack together, getting to know each other.
     All of us are like this, being with each other across the plateaus of time, meeting in the moment. Each of us fully expressing whatever stage of development we find ourselves in. The young ones busy being young, the older ones becoming wiser and hopefully not spending much time wishing to be younger. Time is like a video of an infinite collection of present moments. So I say to you, enjoy the moments we have together, and take time to celebrate life. Some say time is an illusion. All of us were three years old once. When was that? Where did the time go? Where will it go next?

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