Thursday, February 23, 2023


With Jupiter and the Moon and Venus and Chiron (healer) in Aries right now, it's time to be unabashedly grateful! So I say: Thanks for being in my life. I'm thrilled that we have met in this lifetime. Thanks for waking up to who you are, and sharing yourself with me and with the world. And thanks for reading my posts, and for understanding these ideas.
My gratitude and appreciation for all the work you've done to accept your unique qualities and your intense history. You are brave to have lived all that and still be here smiling, open, creative. Thanks for your vulnerability and honesty, and for all the healing that has happened for you. Thanks for your presence and your wisdom. Thanks for consistently showing up in relationships with me and each other, and for the authentic generosity in your service. Thanks for letting me get to know you. Thanks for your help, and for letting me offer help and support to you. Thank you for your outrageous brilliance, and your humor, and your empathy and your strength. Thanks for being the unique expression of this divine universe that you are.
In the forest each tree thanks the other trees, for without them it would not be a forest. In the field each blade of grass thanks the other blades of grass. And in the sky the stars are grateful for their companions out there in the vast space.

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