Ever stop to think of all you’ve learned in your life so far?Thousands, millions of insights, understandings, conclusions, maybe billions of them. You learned to walk, to talk, to think, to do math, you learned history, geography. You learned about yourself and still are learning to know yourself. You learned to set goals, and strategies to reach those goals. You learned about limits, how much wine is too much, how much to say, how much you can do in a day. You learned some basic principles to live by, how good it feels to be kind, you learned how to listen, how to empathize, how to put yourself in another’s shoes. Maybe you learned how to communicate well, how to say what you mean and mean what you say.
You learned to trust, and you learned how to set boundaries with those who you cannot trust. You learned how to apologize, how to admit mistakes, how to meet fear with love. How to be patient. You may still be learning these things.
You might have learned to draw or paint or play the drums or saxophone, or to sing or act or write a poem or a play or a scientific paper. You have learned whole fields of knowledge, science or law, or or counseling or theater or advertising or astrology or real estate or financial management. And then you share what you've learned, and you learn how to teach others, to help them learn for themselves.
And then, here's a big one- with some luck and perseverance, you have learned who you are, and to respect and accept your individual flaws and your talents and skills. You might have learned how you want to participate in this world, and clarified the contribution you want to make, which could be called your purpose. You have learned that you are especially good at certain things, and that it is valuable to share those things with the world. Have you also learned that you are part of a larger whole? That you are intimately connected to the universe? That what you are is the same as what we all are? That you are one with life, and that life moves and speaks and acts through you? Life has been your teacher, the greatest, most generous, most abundantly patient teacher of all, teaching with every breath you take. Personally, during this Full Moon of Gemini-Sagittarius, I am infinitely grateful to be a student in this endlessly profound curriculum.
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