Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Full moon eclipse conjunct Mars 7/28/18. What’s the message? What does it mean?
Big emotion, powerful energy, got to speak up.
What is your message? Looking back over your life, what have you always been trying to say? Find your voice, your unique voice. Deliver your message with sincerity, courage, humility, creativity and passion. Let it rip!
You ARE your message, and when you are here in your truth, the world listens and responds. 
No more complaining about the news, bring us YOUR news.
My message, my news, is that peace prevails inside us all, even in this tumultuous world, even in this cultural crisis. My message might sound like an opinion or a philosophical belief, but actually it’s the voice of my true self, my inner nature.
So, what is your message, what is your true self?
I celebrate your message, and I honor your true self.

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