As summer in Minnesota winds down, the fun and pleasure of the warm season ends, and the first wisps of winter chill the nose, we get to refocus and redefine who we are and why we are here. When it gets cold in Minnesota, you had better know what you’re doing here, otherwise you feel kinda crazy. You had better know who you are and what your purpose is. If not, as winter slowly comes in, you will feel like and victim or a fool, as most of us do at times between November and March.
Here’s my take when I reflect on why I’m here. Blessed to be alive and healthy, this body and this mind and even these emotions are dedicated to being of service.
Simply, I am here for you, my family, my relationships, my community, my clients. I’ve chosen to help in the unusual exotic occupation of astrological counselor. It suits me, and for 27 years some folks have found talking with me useful, sometimes life-changing. And some folks simply like that I am here, consistently working to get clearer and to understand life more deeply, and available to talk things over.
We all are here for each other. We resonate and respond and invite and provoke each other. We engage and learn who we are in dialogue with each other, and we see the incredible spiritual beauty in each others’ eyes. When you have has enough fun, and enough suffering, and worked through enough of your “issues”, and you know who you are, and have nothing left to prove to anybody, then you are here, connected to everyone and everything. In the flow of life, sharing what you’ve got, creating understanding and healing, being here with us. And staying warm, taking out your sweaters, and donating some of the ones you never wear to someone who could use them.
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