Tuesday, May 26, 2015


    Trumpets are blowing an elegant fanfare. Drums are beating,
cymbals crashing. And here you come in the full radiance of your true nature. And you put on the robes and the crown of your calling, and you go forth where your calling takes you and do what you are called to do. Your vow is to follow you heart. Your calling is to be yourself completely, and do what you love. Another day begins, a new day, and the road that your calling takes you on is illuminated brighter and brighter. 
     It may not have a name. You just feel it in your gut, in your heart, in your whole being. There are certain things that are so important to you that you've absolutely got to do them. Qualities in you, energies and talents that insist on being expressed. And if fear or practical considerations hold you back, you feel pain, stress, even despair. The highway of your calling is crowded with stalled cars and crazy drivers. There's a guy racing you, passing you in the slow lane on your right. There's a really slow truck in front of you. And the car that was signaling a left turn just turned right. 
     Many twists and turns on the road to fulfillment. When the call to serve comes, you must answer. Your cell phone is sounding an elegant, insistent fanfare. The voice on the other end is your own soul calling you to come home to your true work, no matter what it takes. Calling you to realize that you are always doing your true work. Because you ARE your calling. Your calling is you.

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