Sunday, February 9, 2014


     In astrology, Mars and Saturn appear to be slowing down and will turn retrograde in early March. Mars is the indicator of assertive action, and Saturn is the teacher of purpose, structure, mastery, responsibility. If it were summer now, this would feel like your sailboat is in the doldrums, waiting for the next wind. Because it's February now, your looking at a long, long, long winter.
     You have some choices now. You can think "how can it be so cold for so long?" or "when will this be over?" or stress yourself out with how hard it is to put up with the limitations you are dealing with. You can be angry or frustrated or exhausted trying to make things happen. For instance, I have been really wanting more astrology clients, wanting to work with more people. The sessions that I have done have been really great and deep and satisfying, but I want more of them. Just like I want the weather to be warmer, but its not.
     So during a slowing down time you can resist it, complain about it, be threatened by it. Or take a very different path. You can dig into it, go deeper than you ever have before, study and master the situations, themes, and problems of this time. You can become more aware of what you are doing and why you are doing it. You can reorganize your life and take responsibility for what you are creating, and respect the time and effort it takes to move toward your most important life goals. You can admit the ways that you do not control most things in life, and you can patiently and whole-heartedly own the ability that you actually have, to do the things that are most meaningful to you. And you can prove that you have the discipline and patience and respect for reality necessary to realize that you are becoming a master of your own life.

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