Monday, December 16, 2013


     Full Moon rising tonight. Gemini Moon reflects Sagittarius Sun. Bountiful communication focused on understanding each other. This full moon is about actively questioning, and learning together through dialogue. How does it feel to be you? How do you see me? Ask what you really want to know.
     I might ask what do you think is the meaning of your life? Who are you really, deep down? Is there anything you need to tell me? How can I help you? Conversations lead to understanding, and clear the way for love. Sometimes uncomfortable, difficult conversations leading not to agreement but to acceptance of each other's unique reality. 
    We are students together in a classroom whose subject is: What is really going on here? My 3 year-old grandson says it best: anything we ask him to do he says "WHY?" Teenagers have been known to avoid these questions-- how are you doing?- "fine". Why don't you listen to me- "whatever". Neighbors greet each other- how are you?-  "okay, can't complain".
    So today and for the next few days you are encouraged to deepen the conversation. To really listen. And to honestly look into these great questions. Who are you, who am I, and what is really going on here?

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